Professional Profile
I am an ecologist and artist with a background in wildlife biology, habitat mapping and modelling, GIS and remote sensing, and species distribution modelling. My research and work interests involve developing and applying methods for collecting environmental data using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs); creating large-scale wildlife occupancy models for conservation planning and initiatives; and developing a cloud-based UAV workflow platform for Canadian researchers. I also have a lifelong love of art and creativity, which I used to convey my interest in nature, wildlife, and the environment.
Doctor of Philosophy
Department of Geography, University of Calgary
Supervisor: Dr. Greg McDermid
Dissertation: "Quantifying Bison Forage Vegetation Species Biomass and Quality Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery "
Master of Science
Environmental and Life Sciences Graduate Program, Trent University
Co-Supervisors: Dr. James Schaefer & Dr. Bruce Pond
Thesis: "Woodland Caribou, Moose, and Wolves: Occupancy and Habitat Relationships of Three Ecologically Linked Large Mammals in the Boreal Forest of Ontario."
Bachelor of Science with Honours
Department of Biology, Trent University
Honours Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Gary Burness
Thesis: "Using Cortisol as an Objective Measurement of Welfare in a Captive Asian Elephant"
ROC-A (May 2016)
First Aid and CPR (May 2015)
Technical Skills
Microsoft Office Suite
Sketch Book Pro
HTML and web design
English - Native language
French - read, write, and speak with medium proficiency
Awards & Scholarships
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta
Queen Elizabeth II Doctoral Scholarship, 2013
Queen Elizabeth II Doctoral Scholarship, 2015
Faculty of Graduate Studies Doctoral Scholarship, 2015
Queen Elizabeth II Doctoral Scholarship, 2016
Faculty of Graduate Studies Travel Award, 2017
Risk Management Shining Star Award, 2019
Geography Department Conference - Best Student Presentation, 2019
Geography Department Conference - People's Choice Best Presentation, 2019
Heat Winner, UCalgary Three Minute Thesis Competition, 2019
Top Ten Finalist, UCalgary Three Minute Thesis Competition, 2019
Teaching Assistantships
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta
Science 311: Writing & Reviewing Scientific Reports. Fall 2018.
Taught tutorial sessions and marked student writing, providing detailed feedbac
Science 311: Writing & Reviewing Scientific Reports. Winter 2018.
Taught tutorial sessions and marked student writing, providing detailed feedback
Science 311: Writing & Reviewing Scientific Reports. Fall 2017.
Taught tutorial sessions and marked student writing, providing detailed feedback
Geography 647: Advanced Research and Applications in GIS. Winter 2017.
Taught GIS labs and marked student lab report submissions
Geography 519: Landscape Ecology. Winter 2017.
Taught lab sessions and marked student lab reports, lead tutorial discussions
Geography 211: The Physical Environment. Fall 2016.
Taught laboratory sessions, invigilated and marked lab exams
Geography 647: Advanced Research and Applications in GIS. Winter 2016.
Taught GIS labs and marked student lab report submissions
Geography 357: Geographic Information Systems I. Winter 2015.
Taught computer-based laboratory sessions, marked student lab report submissions
Geography 333: Remote Sensing I. Fall 2014.
Taught computer-based laboratory sessions, marked student lab report submissions
Geography 519: Landscape Ecology. Winter 2013.
Taught lab sessions and marked student lab reports, lead tutorial discussions
Geography 417: Biogeography. Fall 2012.
Wrote and taught laboratory sessions, marked student lab reports, attended field trips
Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario
Biology 4180: Mammalogy. Winter 2012.
Taught laboratory sessions, wrote and invigilated lab exam
Biology 4390: Conservation Biology. Fall 2011.
Taught tutorial sessions, marked student presentations and submissions
Biology 2600: Evolution. Winter 2011.
Taught computer-based laboratory sessions, marked student lab submissions
Biology 4390: Conservation Biology. Fall 2010.
Taught tutorial sessions, marked student presentations and submissions
Research Experience
Project Manager
Coordinate development of cloud-based UAV workflow platform for Canadian researchers, manage communications between groups working on the project, ensure project is on budget via quarterly project accounting, create content for website, conduct research on relevant regulations and updates in the UAV industry.
Wildlife Conservation Society
Contract Researcher
Create maps and figures used to apply for permits for wolverine aerial surveys and collaring on Alaska’s North Slope, analyze and write reports on wolverine movement and home ranges, spatial occupancy modeling of wolverines in Alaska across broad spatial scales, manuscript preparation and submission including writing and figure creation
Wildlife Conservation Society Canada
Contract Researcher
Conduct literature reviews, maintain and update spatial databases and GIS/remote sensing data, conduct spatial occupancy modeling at broad scales for target species including woodland caribou and wolverines, manuscript preparation and submission including writing and figure creation
Environment Canada
Contract Remote Sensing Technician
Used remote sensing software to check the quality and accuracy of land cover classification and update classes when needed; conducted literature review and wrote report on large-area land cover mapping from satellite imagery.
Panthera Inc.
Contract Remote Sensing Technician
Used remote sensing software create a shapefile of water sources in a national park in Africa for use in lion occupancy analysis.
July 2017 - May 2019
Apr 2015 - Present
July 2012 - Present
Jan - Apr 2014
Nov 2012 - Jan 2013
Publications & Presentations
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Poley, L.G. and G.J. McDermid. 2020. A systematic review of factors influencing the estimation of vegetation aboveground biomass using unmanned aerial systems. Remote Sensing 12(7): 1052. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12071052.
Ray, J.C., L.G. Poley, A.J. Magoun, C. B. Chetkiewicz, F. M. Southee, F. N Dawson, & C. Chenier. 2018. Modeling broad-scale wolverine occupancy in a remote boreal region using multi-year aerial survey data. Journal of Biogeography: https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.13240.
Poley, L.G., A.J. Magoun, M.D. Robards, & R.L. Klimstra. 2018. Distribution and occupancy of wolverines on the tundra of Northwestern Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management: https://doi.org/10.1002/jwmg.21439.
Poley, L.G., B.A. Pond, J.A. Schaefer, G.S. Brown, J.C. Ray, & D.S. Johnson. 2014. Occupancy patterns of large mammals in the Far North of Ontario under imperfect detection and spatial autocorrelation. Journal of Biogeography 41: 122-132. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.12200
Other Publications
Poley, L.G. “Occupancy and habitat relationships of woodland caribou, moose, and wolves in the Far North of Ontario.” Chapter in: Berglund, N.E., G.D. Racey, K.F. Abraham, G.S. Brown, B.A. Pond, and L.R. Walton. 2014. Woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in the Far North of Ontario: Background information in support of land use planning., Ont. Min. Nat. Resour., Biodiversity and Monitoring Section Tech. Rpt. TR-147, Thunder Bay, Ontario. 160 pp.
Conference Presentations
University of Calgary Geography Department Conference, Calgary, AB. 15-minute presentation. 2019. **Winner** of Best Student Presentation and People’s Choice Best Presentation.
“Quantifying and Detecting Change in Biomass of Plains Bison Forage Vegetation Using UAV imagery.”
Wildlife70 Conference, Peterborough, ON. 15-minute presentation. 2017.
“Modelling Wolverine Occupancy in Northern Ontario with Multi-Year Aerial Survey Data.”
U of C Geography Department Conference, Calgary, AB. 15-minute presentation. 2017.
"Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Detect and Classify Discrete Ecological Objects.”
14th North American Caribou Workshop. Whitehorse, Yukon. 15-minute presentation. 2014.
“Factors Affecting the Detection of Caribou from Aerial Surveys.”
International Polar Year 2012. Montreal, Quebec. 15-minute presentation. 2012.
“Woodland Caribou, Moose, and Wolves in Ontario’s Far North.”
Trent Northern Studies Colloquium. Peterborough, Ontario. 2012. 15-minute presentation.
“Large Mammal Occupancy Probabilities in Ontario’s Far North”.
Trent Northern Studies Colloquium. Peterborough, Ontario. 2010. 15-minute presentation.
“Woodland Caribou, Moose, and Wolves in Ontario”.
Other Presentations
**Heat Winner, Top Ten Finalist** University of Calgary Three Minute Thesis Competition. 2019.
“Measuring Plains Bison Forage Vegetation Using Images Collected from a Drone.”
GEOG 205, University of Calgary. Calgary, Alberta. 1-hour presentation. 2018.
“Applied Biogeography in Ontario’s Far North.” Guest lecture for undergraduate course in geography.
UCalgary Geography Camp. Calgary, Alberta. 1-hour presentation. 2018, 2019.
“Drones in Geography.” Given to school-aged children in geography camp several times over the course of the summer.
Rothney Astrophysical Observatory Open House. Priddis, Alberta. 2015. 1-hour presentation given to members of the public.
“UFO or UAV: Researching Unmanned Aerial Vehicles at the RAO.”
Biogeography (Geog 417) Lecture, University of Calgary. Alberta. 2012. 1-hour presentation given to 4th year geography students.
“Woodland Caribou, Moose, and Wolves in Ontario.”
Trent University Biology Seminar Series. Peterborough, Ontario. 2012. 45-minute presentation given to 4th year undergraduate honours students.
“Woodland Caribou, Moose, and Wolves in Ontario.”
Trent-MNR Caribou Symposium. Peterborough, Ontario. 2012. 15-minute presentation given to to graduate students from Trent and University of Manitoba, professors from Trent and University of Manitoba, and Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources professionals.
“Caribou, Moose, and Wolves: Occupancy and Habitat Relationships.”
Other Experience
WCS Canada Wildlife Illustrations –Commissioned work. Ongoing.
Designed and hand painted a series of wildlife illustrations used in greeting cards and newsletters by WCS Canada.
Graphical Abstract Illustration – Personal project and commissioned work. Ongoing.
Designed, illustrated, and promoted graphical abstracts to accompany scientific publications shared online.
Global TV Morning News – Representing University of Calgary. August 2018
Interview with local news station aired live on my PhD research on bison ecology in Banff National Park.
UCalgary Press Release – Representing University of Calgary. August 2018.
PhD work featured with interview in press release by the University of Calgary on bison in Banff National Park.
Technical Committee Member – University of Calgary Geography Department Conference. 2018.
Abstract review, panel moderation, and other organizational duties as required for annual department conference.
Volunteer Judge – Central Alberta Regional Science Far. 2016 – present.
Judged science fair projects of youths in grades 4-12 according to criteria.
Volunteer - Friends of Fish Creek Provincial Park Society Creekfest. 2017
Helped at rain barrel painting station during Creekfest, an event open to members of the public.
Volunteer - Friends of Fish Creek Provincial Park Society Youth Programs. 2016 – 201
Guide youth groups through the park, leading and assisting with hands-on interpretive activities